en fr de 

past actions.
past in time,
not in importance.

20. March 2025

Brainstorming Session 2025 I

Join our co-composition brainstorming session ✍️ We’re bringing creative people together to connect, create and co-compose in a collaborative space! Whether you work with sound, movements, words, visuals or any kind of art, we’re inviting you to explore new ways of creating together and meeting new people.

24. October 2024

Lecture input - University of St. Gallen

Hiromi Gut

Case study in collaboration with students from the University of St. Gallen in the seminar “Disruption, Transformation and Power”

20. October 2024

Io ti sento - Workshop


The vision for the project draws inspiration from the historic architecture of the Zwinglihaus church, which has witnessed many generations and stands as a firm anchor in the midst of a world in constant motion. It also draws inspiration from the people of the Italian community, who have created a family environment with a sense of belonging and togetherness. With this project, we want to explore how music and art can create a shared space in an environment of tradition and community, where participants can actively engage in the act of storytelling.

21. September 2024

La fabbrica illuminata

Maria Eleonora Caminada (soprano), Nuño Fernández Ezquerra (electronics), Dankushen (DJ)

“Now, through the comparison, they suddenly became aware of the acoustic conditions under which they were working, and they began to consider whether it had to be that way, and whether there wasn't a way to change it.” Luigi Nono, 1969

Dietikon Projektraum and #guerillaclassics invite you to “White Noise”, a Listening Session on September 21, 2024. The evening will focus on two compositions by Luigi Nono, “La fabbrica illuminata” and “Djamila Boupacha”, sung by Milanese singer Maria Eleonora Caminada, who is one of Italy’s most exciting contemporary voices in New Music. Well-known workers' songs and electro-acoustic adventures between factory noise and music will sound in a Swiss context at Dietikon Projektraum.

23. June 2024

«watersheds» listening session suburb river reverb

Marina Mello, Severin Kolb, tracy september

Recordings by Andres Bosshard | Toshio Hosokawa (1982): Neben dem Fluss | Eliane Radigue (2011- today): Homage to «occam ocean» compositions | dj dankushen: “watersheds” dj set

22. June 2024

voi(x)es - voices of a circle of women imagining the ways of an opera

sylvie fröhlicher, hiromi gut, lisina gut, michaela unsinn, claron mcfadden

22. June 2024

facing – fehler!

Riccardo Acciarino, Rebecca Blau, Isabel Castro, Sandro Compagnon, Maura Rickenbach, Annika Starc, Tony Hassler

22. June 2024

a draft of the anthropocenic sonorities

Sinzo Aanza, Love Lokombe, Trinity ‘mother dubber’ Njume-Ebong

21. June 2024


Florian Kolb, artists from the free flow festival

21. June 2024

« schliess die augen nicht – von kröten und alten gespenstern » #freetalk

Lisa Läng, Lis Marti

Robert Schumann (1810-1856): Frauenliebe und -leben, op.42 & Text von Lisa Läng Eigenkompositionen | Flurina Zehnder: Frauen, Leben & Liebe & Text von Kim de l’horizon

21. June 2024

vernissage on vocabularies of essence

lia lütolf, phoebe bognár, dandara modesto, kwaku dapaah opoku - reez, keabetswe boccomino

Phoebe Bognár (1997): How was your day? for participatory audience | Phoebe Bognár (1997): Collect Piece for participatory audience

20. June 2024

traces of the organ from aleppo to leipzig to cairo

Lynn Adib, Hasan Nakhleh, Rami Nakhleh, Antonio Garcia

19. June 2024

norms of movement

Neel Jansen, Graciela Martinez Arribas, Mara Peyer, João Lucas

19. June 2024

chinese chinatour

Chengyi Wang, Kay Zhang, Jian Chen, Yiqing Liu

16. June 2024

free flow festival: suburb river sketch

Andres Bosshard, Anja Jagodić, Charlotte Lorenz, Love Lokombe

16. - 23. June 2024

free flow festival 2024

The festival channels the free-flowing ideas of various artists and shows process-oriented productions that might be difficult to realise in an institutional setting. In various brainstorming sessions, artists from different disciplines are brought together to develop new transdisciplinary ideas and production with focus on music.

This years edition of the festival will take place from 16 – 23 June, 2024. Different new production will be performed in various locations as well as public areas in the city of Zurich. You can find the program here: www.freeflowfestival.ch

29. April 2024

Listening Session

Severin Kolb, tracy september, Aio Frei, Tizia Zimmermann

"The ear hears, the brain listens, and the body senses vibrations" is how the American composer Pauline Oliveros, who coined the term "deep listening" in the 1980s, summarises the multi-sensory adventure of listening. With a series of curated listening sessions, tracy september and Severin Kolb want to contribute to rediscovering listening in an age of sensory overload.

Pauline Oliveros (1932-2016): Horse Sings From Cloud

23. January 2024

Brainstorming II free flow festival

For the second edition of the free flow festival, guerillaclassics hosted a brainstorming for those who had time and interest to participate in the planning of the festival.

27. November 2023

Nota Bene at Bahnhof Enge

Nota Bene Chor

Heyr Himna Smidur - K. Tumason; T. Sigurbjörnsson | När det lider mot jul - J. Oterdahl; R. Liljefors | Forunderligt at sige - N.F.S. Gruntvig; C. Nielsen | Koppången - P. Bäckman; P. E. Moraues | Tit er jag glad - B.S. Ingemann; C. Nielsen; Arr. J. Höybye| Det är en ros utsprungen – Trad; Praetorius; Arr. J. Sandström | Abendlied - J. Rheinberger

12. November 2023

Chiesa Evangelica Italiana

Riccardo Acciarino

Each Sunday, at the Chiesa Evangelica Italiana a community made of people from every generation gather. On November 12th Riccardo Acciarino introduced himself musically for the first time to the community during the mass with a short intermezzo with the aim to later on provide a space where art and community merge together, inviting all to partake in an exchange of everyday life experiences through his music.

06. November 2023

Brainstorming free flow festival

For the second edition of the free flow festival, guerillaclassics hosted a brainstoorming for the planning of the festival.

01. November 2023

Listening Session I

Florian Kolb, Tina Omayemi Reden, Nina Emge, Severin Kolb, tracy september

"The ear hears, the brain listens, and the body senses vibrations" is how the American composer Pauline Oliveros, who coined the term "deep listening" in the 1980s, summarises the multi-sensory adventure of listening. With a series of curated listening sessions, tracy september and Severin Kolb want to contribute to rediscovering listening in an age of sensory overload.

Nina Emge, Tina Omayem: «if love could change us or tainted” | Florian Kolb: Wolf Tones

29. October 2023

On the Ueli Fähri

Stefanie Mirwald, Camilla Steuernagel, Malwina Sosnowski

Doux bocage - Claude Thomain - Akkordeon solo | Amor - Claudio Monteverdi - Duo Gesang und Akkordeon | La nuit - Jean-Philippe Rameau - Duo Gesang und Akkordeon | Text und Musik: Nicht das Paradies - Dora Kehr - Text
Romance - Franck Angelis - Akkordeon solo | Allegro in F-Dur - Joseph Haydn - Akkordeon solo | Wenn ich in deine Augen seh Op. 48, Nr.4 - Robert Schumann - Duo Gesang und Akkordeon | Hymne a l’amour - Edith Piaf - Duo Gesang und Akkordeon

05. October 2023

Lunchbreak Concerts | Vol. 7

Lisa Läng, Lis Marti

The planned concert of lis à lis on October 5 is cancelled. The program - Schumann's Frauenliebe und -leben with a new textual version by Lisa Läng - cannot meet the framework for the concert series offered by the University of Zurich. In agreement between lis à lis and guerillaclassics, the concert will therefore not take place. The program will be performed at a later date in a different setting.

30. September 2023

Under the Platanus Hispanicus

Marina Mello, Lara Salamon

guerilla-action under the Platanus Hispanicus next to the Rio Bar Zurich.

A Lenda do Caboclo, H.Villa Lobos | O Canto do Cisne Negro, H. Villa Lobos | Bachianas Brasileiras, H. Villa Lobos No.4, arr. María Luiza Rayan-Forero für Harfe solo | Balada, O. Lacerda | Em algum lugar, C. Santoro | Acalanto da Rosa, C. Santoro | Insensatez, T. Jobim arr. Lincoln Almada für Harfe Solo | Lua Branca, F. Gonzaga arr. J.Octaviano | Primeiro amor, P. Silva | Toada , S. Parpinell

14. September 2023

Think & Do Tank Retreat

tracy september, Severin Kolb, Andrea Thilo

Retreat of the Think & Do Tank 2022/2023 in Berlin.

28 June - 2 July 2023

The Uninterrupted Song for the City

Sinzo Aanza, Hiromi Gut, Valentine Michaud, Vincent Glanzmann, Eden Sekulović, Rokia Bamba, Lynhan Balatbat-Helbock, Samuel Baah Kortey, Jere Ikongio, Andreas Brüll, Philippe Kocher


Museum Rietberg, Gablerstrasse 15, 8002 Zürich

28. June 2023, 7 PM, Performance with Eden Sekulović (cello)

29. June 2023, 4 PM, Talk with with Sinzo Aanza, Lynhan Balatbat-Helbock and guests

30. June 2023, 4 PM, Performance with Vincent Glanzmann (percussion)

1. July 2023, 4 PM, Performance with Rokia Bamba (DJ)

1. July 2023, 10 PM, Party with Jere Ikongio, Rokia Bamba, Eden Sekulović, Huguette Tolinga, Vincent Glanzmann and Lynhan Balatbat-Helbock (@Umbo, Wasserwerkstrasse 89a, 8037 Zürich)

2. July 2023, 3 PM, Performance with Valentine Michaud (saxophone)

Sound Installation

28. June - 2. July 2023, 10 AM - 12 AM, 1 PM - 5 PM

Download our journal about the project with more background information


02. July 2023

The Uninterrupted Song for the City - Valentine Michaud

Sinzo Aanza, Hiromi Gut, Valentine Michaud, Lynhan Balatbat-Helbock, Samuel Baah Kortey, Jere Ikongio, Andreas Brüll, Philippe Kocher

Performance by Valentine Michaud as part of the project "The Uninterrupted Song for the City".

01. July 2023

The Uninterrupted Song for the City - Party at Umbo

Rokia Bamba, Vincent Glanzmann, Eden Sekulović, Huguette Tolinga, Lynhan Balatbat-Helbock, Samuel Baah Kortey, Jere Ikongio,

Party at Umbo as part of the project "The Uninterrupted Song for the City".

30. June 2023

The Uninterrupted Song for the City - Vincent Glanzmann

Sinzo Aanza, Hiromi Gut, Vincent Glanzmann, Lynhan Balatbat-Helbock, Samuel Baah Kortey, Jere Ikongio, Andreas Brüll, Philippe Kocher

Performance by Vincent Glanzmann as part of the project "The Uninterrupted Song for the City".

29. June 2023

The Uninterrupted Song for the City - Talk

Sinzo Aanza, Vincent Glanzmann, Rokia Bamba, Lynhan Balatbat-Helbock, Michaela Oberhofer

Talk as part of the project "The Uninterrupted Song for the City".

28. June 2023

The Uninterrupted Song for the City - Eden Sekulović

Sinzo Aanza, Hiromi Gut, Eden Sekulović, Lynhan Balatbat-Helbock, Samuel Baah Kortey, Jere Ikongio, Andreas Brüll, Philippe Kocher

Performance by Eden Seculović as part of the project "The Uninterrupted Song for the City".

31. March 2023

Boat Launching Ceremony

Brandy Butler, Rosanna Zünd, Visual Vin, Seemannschor "Thetis Crew"

Werner Scharfenberger: Seemann (deine Heimat ist das Meer)

Idea: Hiromi Gut

Arrangement: Rosanna Zünd

In collaboration with Zürichsee-Schifffahrtsgesellschaft, mission divers Patrick and Walter, lake rescuer Philipp, Widmer Events - Marius Nägeli

27. January 2023

The Uninterrupted Song for the City @ IMéRA Marseille

Sinzo Aanza, Christophe Leloil

Congolese sound archives and live improvisation.

25. October 2022

Lunchbreak Concerts | Vol. 6

Riccardo Acciarino, Sofia Goetz, Andrea Cavalazzi

S. Reich: Clapping Music | A. Corelli: Sonata op. 15 no. 12 in D minor "La Follia" (extract) | M. Lowenstern: Drift for Bass Clarinet and Electronics | R. Acciarino: Raag (hommage to indian traditional music) | A. Bertali: Ciaccona in C major (fusion arrangement)

14. October 2022

Construction Site Concert

OSZILOT, Chengyi Wang, Flora Luvualu, Michaela Unsinn, percussionists from ZHdK

E. Varese: Ionisation | Float Inside collective: Construction Intermission | and many other pieces

13. October 2022

Lunchbreak Concerts | Vol. 5

Riccardo Acciarino, Sofia Goetz, Maura Rickenbach, Sophia Tankosic, Anne Sophie van Riel

J. Brahms: Clarinet quintet in B minor, op. 115, mvt. II-IV | B. Kovacs: Hungarian folk songs and variation | B. Kovacs: Sholem Alekhem Rov Feidman (arr. by Riccardo Acciarino)

08. October 2022

The Uninterrupted Song for the City @ Biennale Lubumbashi

Sinzo Aanza, Vicko Tengwa

Congolese sound archives and live improvisation.

06. October 2022

Lunchbreak Concerts | Vol. 4

Riccardo Acciarino, Beatriz Lopez Paz, Sandro Meszaros, Simon Fluri

J. S. Bach, Cello Suite no. 1 in G Major, BWV 1007

30. August 2022

Sky Piece for Jesus Christ @ Aargauer Kunsthaus

Ensemble Bayona

Ludwig van Beethoven (1770-1827): Septet in E-flat major, op. 20 | pieces by John Cage

16. July 2022

free flow festival: Float Inside

OSZILOT, Chengyi Wang, Michaela Unsinn

Astor Piazzolla: Libertango | Du frogsch mi wär i bi (Swiss Folk song) | Float inside collective: Float Inside | Blau | Unbala

02. June 2022

Sky Piece for Bern

Ensemble Bayona, Camille Sublet

Ludwig van Beethoven (1770-1827): Septet in E-flat major, op. 20

15. May 2022

Love songs at the bus stop

Jelena Dojčinović, Nermin Tulic

Sevdalinke – Bosnian love songs: Kraj tanana šadrvana, Moj behare, Kad ja podjoh, Kraj vrbasa, Moj dilbere, Anadolka, Lijepili su, Tamburalo, Ko se ono, Snijeg pade, Voljelo se, U stambolu | Toma Zdravković: Šta će mi život, Ponoć

March 4, 7 and April 6

Free Flow Festival – Brainstorming

Brainstorming for the very first Free Flow Festival in July – a week full of concerts and artistic interventions in which we bring together artists from all disciplines we’ve already worked with in the past.

January - December 2022

Soulfood Delivery 2022

Riccardo Acciarino, Aurélien Mérial, Sofia Goetz, and many others

various concerts in different locations and venues throughout the year

14. October 2021

Lunchbreak Concerts | Vol. 3

Modulor Quartet

Franz Schubert (1797-1828): Der Tod und das Mädchen

07. October 2021

Lunchbreak Concerts | Vol. 2

Judit Polgar, Michaela Unsinn

Charles Koechlin (1867-1950): Le printemps | Reynaldo Hahn (1874-1947): Si mes vers avaient des ailes, L'heure exquise | Ernest Chausson (1855-1899): Le colibri | Paulin Viardot-García: Évocation | Vincent d’Indy (1851-1931): L’amour et le crâne | Claude Debussy (1862-1918): Romance | George Bizet (1838-1857): Habanera

30. September 2021

Lunchbreak Concerts | Vol. 1

Iker Sáez-Liébana, Samuel Matzner, Gabriel Vieira

Claude Debussy (1862-1918): Sonata for flute, viola and harp | Arnold Bax (1883-1953): Elegiac Trio

17. September 2021

About us

Jelena Dojčinović, Nermin Tulic

Zapjevala bulbul ptica (Bosnian folk song) | Moj Dilbere (Bosnian Folk Song) | Jacques Marchais (1935-2006): La vie s'ecoule, Al dolce guidami | Gaetano Donizetti (1797-1848): Anna Bolena

08. August 2021

Summercamp Aargauer Kunsthaus

Graciela Martinez Arribas, Neel Jansen, Malwina Sosnowski

Arvo Pärt (*1935): Fratres | J. S. Bach (1685-1750): Gavotte from Partita in E Major | L. Auerbach (*1973): Lonely Suite | H. I. F. Biber (1644-1704): Passacaglia | J. Massenet (1842-1912): Meditation from Thaïs

14. July 2021

100 pianos

Mischa Cheung, Marta Patrocínio, Luc van Doornick, Marco Amherd, Dani Fueter, Duri Collenberg, Andi Szalatnay, Judit Polgar, Stefan Kägi, Lua Jungck, Jan Šprta, Visual Vin, and many more

J. S. Bach (1685-1750): Aria from the Goldberg variations | A. Pärt (*1935): Hymn to a Great City | Philip Glass (*1937): Four Movements for Two Pianos: Movement 1 | John Cage (1912-1992): In A Landscape

12. June 2021

OSZILOT @ Schlachthof Zürich


Own compositions.

20. March 2021

Shop Window Rehearsals

Martina Berther, Andrina Bollinger, Amit Dubester, Fernando Noriega, tracy september, SIXOC Studios

A. Bollinger (*1991): You Are The Drum, Perfect Pictures, Pleasure & Pain, Noise, Ships, and more | F. Noriega: Revery, Omen, Destiny, The Cave of Truth, L'indifference, and more | M. Berther (*1984): Cully 1, Cully 2, Cully 3.

27. February 2021

Soundaway Sessions | Vol. 6: Oud

Wael Sami Elkholy

Various pieces (own composition, adaptions from songs by Fairouz, etc.).

27. February 2021

Soundaway Sessions | Vol. 5: violin

Rita Nakad

J. S. Bach (1685-1750): Diverse movements of violin solo sonatas and partitas

26. February 2021

Solo Trombone Choir

Stephen Menotti, Danielle Küchler Flores

Arthur Pryor (1870-1942): The Blue Bells of Scotland | L. v. Beethoven (1770-1827): Three Equali | Alois Haba (1893-1973): Suite for four trombones | Tommy Pederson (1920-1998): Gopher’s Serenade

20. February 2021

Soundaway Sessions | Vol. 4: cello

Isabel Gehweiler

J. S. Bach (1685-1750): Movements from the 1st, 3rd and 4th suite | Improvisations

13. February 2021

Soundaway Sessions | Vol. 2: guitar

Luka Stamenkovic

Baroque, romantic and contemporary compositions by D. Keller, J. S. Bach, S. L. Weiss, J. Mertz, C. Domeniconi embellished with reflections, impromptus and improvisations

January - December 2021

Soulfood Delivery 2021

various concerts in different locations and venues throughout the year

10. December 2020

Human Rights Day

Anna Nero, Jelena Dojčinović, Samuel Braun, Laura Koerfer, Anil Sarikaya

Performance with the text of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, in combination with a mute acting performance and musical contributions

08. November 2020

Earthquake in Schwamendingen

Aline Perino, Adelina Lahr, TeKi TeKua, White Pulse, Visual Vin, Severin Kolb

J. S. Bach (1685-1750): Suites for violoncello solo | A. Piazzolla (1921-1992): Le Grand Tango in A minor | C. Saint-Sanes (1835-1921): Cello concert no. 1 in A minor, op. 33 | E. Elgar (1857-1934): Cello concert in E minor, op. 85 | Iggy Pop (*1947): Dirt | and many more

06. November 2020

Concert in the park | Vol. 1: piano

Mischa Cheung

F. Gulda (1930-2000): Übungsstück Nr. 9 | Fazıl Say (*1970): Ballade no. 1, Paganini Jazz | Y. Shimomura (*1967) & M. Fuchs: The Messenger | Michael Jackson (1958-2009): Bad, Smooth Criminal (arr. Bence)

23. October 2020

Stop on demand | Bahnhofsreisebüro Wipkingen

Jasminka Stenz, Johanna Lamprecht, Severin Kolb

J. S. Bach (1685-1750): Suite no. 1 for viola solo (original violoncello solo), BWV 1007, Courante | Max Reger (1873-1916): 1st suite for viola solo op. 131d, 4th movement molto vivace | Paul Hindemith (1895-1963): sonate for viola solo op. 25 Nr. 1, 1st movement: Breit | and many more

26. September 2020

Josephine Baker meets Beyoncé | Kunsthaus Zürich

Ana Đorđević, Valentine Michaud, Lindi Mlaba, Avi Sliman

Darius Milhaud (1892-1974): La Création du Monde, excerpts | Igor Stravinsky (1882-1971): 3 pièces pour clarinette solo, movement 2 & 3 | Sidney Bechet (1897-1959): Petite Fleure | Jacob Ter Veldhuis (*1951): Grab It!

22. August 2020

Joachim Raff at Lake Zurich

Lena-Lisa Wüstendörfer, Swiss Orchestra, SIXOC Studios, Severin Kolb

Joachim Raff (1822-1882): Cavatina, Two Scenes op. 199 | Johann Carl Eschmann (1826-1882): Excerpts from «Grosse Konzert-Ouvertüre»

20. June 2020

Reflecting the Times

Mischa Cheung, Sadio Cissokho, tracy september, SIXOC Studios

Own pieces and improvisations

April - December 2020

Soulfood Delivery 2020

Rosa María Hernández Zambrano, Michaela Unsinn, Hyazintha Andrej, Ronny Spiegel, Lukas Mantel, u.v.m.

various concerts in different locations and venues throughout the year

14. March 2020

Zeitz MOCAA Cape Town | South Africa Tour

Cosmic Percussion Ensemble, Sarah Evans, Nomapostile Nyiki, Lungiswa Plaatjies, Ronan Skillen, Nik Bärtsch, Neo Muyanga

Composed by the above (2020): iThemba – Hope | Neo Muyanga (*1974): eGolideni - the place where gold | Nik Bärtsch (*1971): Cosmic Appropriation

13. March 2020

Rootspring Cape Town | South Africa Tour

Cosmic Percussion Ensemble, Sarah Evans, Nomapostile Nyiki, Lungiswa Plaatjies, Ronan Skillen, Nik Bärtsch, Neo Muyanga

Composed by the above (2020): iThemba – Hope | Neo Muyanga (*1974): eGolideni - the place where gold | Nik Bärtsch (*1971): Cosmic Appropriation

12. March 2020

Youngblood Cape Town | South Africa Tour

Cosmic Percussion Ensemble, Sarah Evans, Nomapostile Nyiki, Lungiswa Plaatjies, Ronan Skillen, Nik Bärtsch, Neo Muyanga

Composed by the above (2020): iThemba – Hope | Neo Muyanga (*1974): eGolideni - the place where gold | Nik Bärtsch (*1971): Cosmic Appropriation

06. March 2020

Percussion Threads | Museum Rietberg

Cosmic Percussion Ensemble, Flora Luvualu, Adolfo Domingos, Djerba Manzeku, Dominique Polich, Nik Bärtsch, Neo Muyanga, SIXOC Studios, Sabrina Kuhlmann

Giovanni Solima (*1962): Millenium Bug 1. Mvmt | Mark Ford (*1958): Afta Stuba | Emmanuel Séjourné (*1961): Calienta | Nik Bärtsch (*1971): Cosmic Appropriation | Neo Muyanga (*1974): eGolideni

29. February 2020


Hyazintha Andrej

Benjamin Britten (1913-1976): Suite 1 & 3

27. December 2019

Zauberwald Lenzerheide | Vol. 3: piano, violin, cello

Mischa Cheung, Edouard Mätzener, Hitomi Niikura, SIXOC Studios

Dimitri Shostakovich (1906-1975): 1. Prelude (from «5 pieces for 2 violins and piano») | P. Tchaikowsky (1840-1894): Op. 37b: December | Astor Piazzolla (1921-1992): Winter, Spring (from «The 4 Seasons of Buenos Aires») | Jean Sibelius (1865-1957): Water Droplets

20. December 2019

Zauberwald Lenzerheide | Vol. 2: horn quartet

Alexander Kushnarev, Reto Maag, Andrey Simonov, Nikita Yankovsky

Anton Bruckner (1824-1896): Andante in Db Major | Alexander Tscherepnin (1899-1977): 6 Horn Quartets | Alexander Mitushin (1850-1920): Concertino for 4 horns | Richard Wagner (1813-1883): Pilgrim’s Chorus from Tannhäuser

13. December 2019

Zauberwald Lenzerheide | Vol. 1: piano

Mischa Cheung

Dimitri Shostakovitch (1906-1975): Prelude und Fugue no. 4 e minor and no. 7 A Major (Op. 87), | Franz Schubert (1797-1828): Op. posth. D 946 Allegro assai and Allegretto (from «Drei Klavierstücke»), Impromptu Op. 90 no. 1

31. October 2019

Barber Shop

Pavla Flámová, Stefan Kägi

Sergei Rachmaninow (1873-1943): Vocalise Op. 34 | Franz Schubert (1797-1928): Nacht und Träume, D. 827 | Charles Alkan (1813-1888): from 48 Esquisses, Op. 63; No. 21: Morituri te Salutant and No. 45: Les Diablotins | G. F. Händel (1685-1759): Theodora – O thou bright sun With darkness

07. September 2019

Pavillon Le Corbusier

Cosmic Percussion Ensemble

Iannis Xenakis (1922-2001): Rebonds B | Marc Mellits (*1966): Gravity | John Cage (1912-1992)/ Lou Harrison (1917-2003): Double Music | Steve Reich (*1963): Music for Pieces of Wood

23. August 2019

Zellweger Park Uster

Jean-Valdo Galland, Rahel Kohler, Valentine Michaud, Joan Jordi Oliver, Emmanuel Michaud

Guillermo Lago (*1960): Ciudades: Addis Abbaba, Sarajevo | Caryl Florio (1843-1920): Saxophone Quartet | Thierry Escaich (*1965): Tango Virtuoso | Philip Glass (*1937): Saxophone Quartet | Mike Curtis (*1952): Klezmer Tryptich | François Couperin (1668-1733): 7e Concert Royal | L. v. Beethoven (1770-1827): Duo | Marc Mellits (*1966): Black

04. August 2019

Fête des Vignerons

Mischa Cheung, Gaspar Riond, Gino Günzburger

Pjotr I. Tchaikovsky (1840-1893): Dumka | Modest Mussorgski (1839-1881): Bilder einer Ausstellung | Alberto Ginastera (1916-1983): Danzas Argentinas | Fazil Say (*1970): Black Earth, Paganini Jazz | J. S. Bach (1685-1750): Petit Prélude | Claude Debussy (1862-1918): Le petit nègre de Debussy

02. July 2019

Rush hour concerts at Zurich HB

Graciela Martinez Arribas, Larisa Baghdasaryan, Neel Jansen, Corinne Angela Sutter, SIXOC Studios

Richard Strauss (1864-1949): Morgen | J. Haydn (1732-1809): Sonate No. 53 | Richard Wagner (1813-1883): Träume | J. S. Bach (1685-1750): Prelude in b minor | Giuseppe Verdi (1813-1901): Una macchia | George Gershwin (1898-1937): Rhapsody in Blue

01. July 2019

Jam-Session @ Welcome to School

Vincent Glanzmann, Janic Sarott, Samuel Zerbato

Improvisations with drums and marimba.

30. June 2019

Letten Love

Edward Rushton, Jonathan Sells, Samuel Zerbato

Franz Schubert: Pause | Robert Schumann: Widmung | Hugo Wolf: Hoffärtig seid ihr, schönes Kind | Samuel Barber: Rain has Fallen op. 10 Nr. 1 | Two live composed poems written by the audience («Liebe Marie» and «Schwitzend sitzen wir am Letten»)

30. June 2019

Brunch date with music

Isabell Goller, Annina Rusch

Jules Massenet (1842-1912): Thais Meditation | Jacques Ibert (1890-1962): Entr‘acte | Maurice Ravel (1875-1937): Habanera | Camille Saint-Saens (1835-1921): Fantasie | Joseph Jongen (1873-1953): Danse lente | Astor Piazzolla (1991-1992): Café 1960, Bordell 1930

29. June 2019

Opera aries at the psychoanalyst's

Ulrich Bahrke, Bastian Thomas Kohl, Samuel Zerbato

W. A. Mozart (1756-1791): Solche hergelaufne Laffen | Richard Wagner (1813-1883): Mögst du mein Kind den fremden Mann willkommen heissen

28. June 2019

Schostakowitsch in the dark

Hyazintha Andrej, Severin Kolb, Laura Koerfer, Momo Kunz, Julie Le Gac, Inès Morin, Christina Moser, Rahel Sternberg, SIXOC Studios

Dimitri Shostakovich (1906-1975): String Quartet c minor op. 110 (1960)

27. June 2019

Erlebnis.xyz x guerillaclassics | RWI library

Erlebnis.xyz, Kaleidoscope String Quartet, Malwina Sosnowski, v0ll & Boss, SIXOC Studios, Sabrina Kuhlmann

Pieces and arrangements by Kaleidoscope String Quartet (composed by Simon Heggendorn and David Schnee) | Philip Glass (*1937): Knee Play 2 from Einstein on the Beach | v0ll & Boss: Improvisations about Reflexionen IV by Adalbert Kaltmauer, personal arrangements and improvisations

22. June 2019


Theater Orchester Biel Solothurn, SIXOC Studios, Gino Günzburger

George Bizet (1838-1875): Carmen Prelude | Edvard Grieg (1843-1907): Peer-Gynt-Suite 1: In der Halle des Bergkönigs

20. June 2019

Zoo Zürich

Lukas Mantel, Leonel Quinta, Sabrina Kuhlmann

Improvisation about animal sounds | Ernesto Nazareth (1863-1934): Brejeiro, arrangements for clarinet

15. April 2019

ASVZ Superkondi

Gilberto Lo Surdo, Janic Sarott, Lukas Schrod, Andrea Scherrer

Jakka-B X Macks Wolf: Islands In The Sky

30. March 2019

The Residency

Sebastian Braun, SIXOC Studios

J. S. Bach (1685-1750): Prelude from Cello Suite No. 1 for Cello Solo (G major), Sarabande from Cello Suite No. 1 for Cello Solo (G major) | Pablo Casals (1876-1973): Song of the Birds | Krzysztof Penderecki (1933): Capriccio per Siegfried Palm | Mark Summer (1958): Julie-O

19. February 2019


Alfredo Ferre Martinez, Sherniyaz Mussakhan

Reinhold Glière (1874-1956): Duo for violin and cello (Op. 39) | J. S. Bach (1685-1750): Prélude and Allemande (from Suite VI BWZ 1012 for cello solo) | Krzysztof Penderecki (*1933): from Divertimento for cello solo: Scherzo & Notturno | Eugène Ysaÿe (1858-1931): Sonate for violin (Solo No. 6) | Kazakh folk songs

13. December 2018

Kokoschka exhibition | Kunsthaus Zürich

Christina Daletska, Anna Nero, Judit Polgar, Julien Minguely

Alban Berg (1885-1935): Die Nachtigall (from Sieben Frühe Lieder, no. 3) | Anton Webern (1883-1945): Op. 13, no. 2

03. November 2018

Wien Animato

Hélène Drouguet, Lara Salamon, Júlia Stuller, Rosa Welker

W.A. Mozart (1756 - 1791): Flötenquartett in D-Dur, KV 285, 1. Satz

25. October 2018

Tonhalle Baustelle

Quartet Berlin Tokyo

Antonín Dvořák (1841-1904): String quartet no. 12, F major, Op. 96

12. July 2018

Rote Fabrik

Theater HORA, Judit Polgar, Michaela Unsinn, Emanuel Demenga

Franz Lehar (1870-1948): Vilja Song | Gabriel Fauré (1845-1824): Après un rêve | Gioachino Rossini (1792-1868): La più mesta (la Cenerentola)

23. June 2018

Openair Wipkingen

Teo Gheorghiu, Silvan Hillmann

Enrique Granados (1867-1916): Pieces from aus Goyescas (op. 111) | Isaac Albéniz (1860-1909): Suite española (op. 47): Sevilla | Modest Mussorgsky (1839-1881): Pictures at an Exhibition (Baba-Jaga and The Bogatyr Gates)

16. June 2018

ZAZ Bellerive | Vol. 2: strings & vocals

Galatea Quartet, Rosa María Hernández, and friends

Pieces from Puccini, Bach, Telemann, Händel, Vivaldi, Mozart, Telemann, Haydn, Debussy

20. April 2018

Zürich HB

Mischa Cheung, Gino Günzburger

Masashi Hamauzu (*1971): Pieces from Piano Collections Final Fantasy X | W. A. Mozart (1756-1791): Sonate c Major, KV 330 | F. Chopin (1810-1849): Andante Spianato | F. Liszt (1811-1886) Rhapsodie Espagnole S. 264 | S. Rachmaninov (1873-1843): Elegie Op. 3 No. 1 | G. Gershwin (1898-1937): Rhapsody in Blue for Piano Solo

14. April 2018


Matthias Schmitt (*1958): Ghanaia, Madrigal, Bulgarian Dances | Eric Sammut (*1968): Libertango | Alexej Gerassimez (*1987): Eravie | Sächsilüte-Marsch

25. January 2018

Migros City | Stauffacher | Longstreet

Lisa Lüthi, Edward Rushton

Friedrich Hollaender (1896-1976): Die Kleptomanin | Hanns Eisler (1898-1962): Lied von der belebenden Wirkung des Geldes | Boris Vian (1920-1959): Je bois | Kurt Weill (1900-1950): Je ne t’aime pas | Pink Martini: Je ne veux pas travailler | Bänkellied: Also das ist die Liebe

25. November 2017

RWI library | Café Zähringer

Kaleidoscope String Quartet

Compositions and arrangements of the Kaleidoscope String Quartet (Simon Heggendorn and David Schnee)

27. September 2017

Tadshikische Teestube Berlin

Mischa Cheung, Edouard Mätzener

Sergej Prokofiev (1891-1953): 2. Sonate, 4. Satz

25. August 2017

Badi Utoquai | Frau Gerolds Garten

Cosmic Percussion Ensemble

Julie Davila: Stool Pigeon | Nebosja Zivkovic (*1962): Trio per Uno Mvmt. 1 | Mitch Markovich (*1944): Teamwork

06. August 2017

Rimini Badi

Edouard Mätzener, Hitomi Niikura

Johan Halvorsen (1864-1935): Passacaglia (after Händel)