fund our projects12. November 2023 • Riccardo Acciarino
Each Sunday, at the Chiesa Evangelica Italiana a community made of people from every generation gather, creating a space in a hectic world where one can find comfort in the stillness of familiarity and traditions in a space rich in history and stories.
The vision for this project draws inspiration from the historical architecture of the church which has been a witness to many generations and that stands as a firm anchor amidst a world in constant motion. It also draws inspiration from the people of the Italian community who created a familiar environment with a sense of belonging and togetherness. With this project we would like to explore how music and art can create a shared space within a setting of tradition and community where participants can actively engage in the act of storytelling.
Riccardo Acciarino, an Italian clarinetist from Milan and now residing in Zurich, understands the complexities and beauties of creating a new home away from one’s roots. On the 12th of November he introduced himself musically for the first time at the Chiesa Evangelica with a short intermezzo. The aim was to start a longer process of interactions, so that in future actions he will be able to provide a space where art and community merge together, inviting all to partake in an exchange of everyday life experiences through his music.
Artist: Riccardo Acciarino (clarinet)
Venue: Chiesa Italiana, Zwinglihaus, Aemtlerstrasse, 8003 Zurich
Date: Sunday, November 12, 2023, 10am - 11am.