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Herzlichen Dank für die Unterstützung bei der Umsetzung von u. a. folgenden Projekten: YANGO Biennale Kinhasa x guerillaclassics | Zitrone Manegg, The Uninterrupted Song for the City.

Zurich, Paris, Kinshasa – after the South Africa tour in 2020, we continued working internationally in 2021. At the invitation of the YANGO Biennale Kinshasa, the collaboration with musicians from different cultural and musical backgrounds began in early summer. After rehearsal phases in Kinshasa and Paris, all five came together for the first time in Zurich in November and played concerts at Zurich HB, Zitrone Manegg and Museum Rietberg.

28 June - 2 July 2023

The Uninterrupted Song for the City

The Uninterrupted Song for the City

Sinzo Aanza, Hiromi Gut, Valentine Michaud, Vincent Glanzmann, Eden Sekulović Rokia Bamba, Lynhan Balatbat-Helbock, Samuel Baah Kortey, Jere Ikongio, Andreas Brüll, Philippe Kocher

Ernst Göhner Stiftung • artlink • Stadt Zürich Kultur • Kanton Zürich Fachstelle Kultur • Pro Helvetia • Stanley Thomas Johnson Stiftung • Fondation SUISA • Max Kohler Stiftung • Elisabeth Weber Stiftung • Stiftung temperatio • Migros Kulturprozent • Klavierwerkstatt René Waldhauser • Albert Huber-Stiftung • WaliDad • Gebr. Bachmann • Hans F. Tellenbach-Stiftung •